Aplikasi Website Sistem Informasi Rumah Kosan Online
One important factor for creating a healthy and growing company is the existence of sales rewards for employees to achieve sales targets every month.
Object-based programming (OOP) has become a trend among programming language users, this is because many functions, procedures and techniques for usin
ABSTRAKSI Reynaldi Widarja (11180344), Audit Layanan Tata Kelola Informasi Rumah Sakit St. Carolus Menggunakan Cobit 2019 Perkembangan teknologi sa
Rio Senjaya (11220043), Audit Sistem Informasi Absensi Menggunakan Cobit 5 (Studi Kasus MTsN 8 Kuningan) MTsN 8 Kuningan merupakan salah satu instan