Jelajahi Repository

research : Kirlyana Bella, Akmaludin

Abstract— PT Carl Corpora Indonesia is a business unit engaged in selling Muslim clothing products with conventional sales, products are marketed

research : KUSNANTO, ARI;

Abstrak  - Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Guru Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (Saw) Pada Smk Mega Bangsa Tanger

research : Rusdi, Ibnu; Mulyani, Ade Sri; Safitri, Alis Syofiana

 In the current era of globalization, information technology is advancing rapidly. The computer is a device that was created to facilitate human work

research : Cahyadi cepi

PT Smart Solution memiliki banyak karyawan yang berprestasi, tetapi ketika melakukan proses seleksi karyawan teladan sangat sulit, karena setiap kary

research : Monalisa dan Mahendra, Irfan

Doctor Galuh Dwi Anandita Health and Beauty Clinic is a public health and beauty-care facilities in South Jakarta. Currently, the administrative a