Jelajahi Repository

research : SUHARDOYO

Abstract - Currently, employee commitment and retention have become an important strategic aspect for the organization. It is not only important to ha

research : Erri, Dirgahayu; Nur, Fajrin Fajrin;

Human resources is one of the factors that must be present and relatively more important than other factors, the Company should be able to increas

research : ARLIN,;

Arlin (22140044), Pengaruh Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Peserta BPJS (Badan Penyelenggaraan Jaminan Sosial) pada Rumah Sakit

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin

Marketing communications are  the mainstay for  every  manufacturer to influence consumers against products that it markets, this  is done there i

research : A Kurniawan, A Susilawati, F Syarief, Suhardoyo

Pada penelitian ini membahas proses penyelenggaraan Acara khusus sebelum terlaksananya Sebuah acara ada beberapa proses yang harus dilakukan adalah Pe

research : Pradiatiningtyas, Diah;

This paper examined factors that influence work motivation and satisfaction. The research focus on employee with low or limited skills and educati