Jelajahi Repository

research : Suhardoyo

In the current era of globalization competition in the business world is increasingly competitive, so that each company is required to be able to comp

research : Wan Iwan

Abstract – PT. Wings Food, newest product namely Noodle Successfully, in June 2015, with a portion of moreand more pronounced condiments. Succes

research : Eneng Iviq Hairo Rahayu, Suhardoyo,

Penilaian kinerja karyawan dalam organisasi dilakukan pada pelaksanaan job description yang telah disusun oleh organisasi. Dengan demikian, baik buru

research : Mustomi, Dede;

Lecturers have different characters, causing different perception of the students. Assessment of students' perceptions about the lecturer will not r

research : Suhardoyo

Abstract - Employee or officer is one of the company's assets to achieve the goal, the better the performance and discipline of employees or officer w

research : Suhardoyo, Kurniawan PU

Abstract - Asean Economic Community or (MEA) is a competitive market in the world of business globally will become increasingly more tight in the com

research : Eneng iviq Hairo Rahayu, Suhardoyo, Iwan

In this study the researcher described the expert system-based feedback as performance assessment for the employees at PT Multistrada Arah Sarana, Tbk