Jelajahi Repository

research : Anggraini, Inadya; Erri, Dirgahayu; Sembiring, Sederhana; Handayani, Putri Putri;

Manajemen pengadaan merupakan bagian dari Supply Chain Management yang secara sistematik dan strategis memproses pengadaan barang dan jasa. Manaje

research : Suhardoyo

Good employee performance in the company, the company will experience very apprehensive conditions so that it will disrupt the financial stability of

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin

The important value of information with in an organization specially in the office, giving to the organization claims to be able to process with help

research : Riyanto, Andi;

Penelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara beberapa faktor yang relevan dalam mempelajari aspek kinerja pegawai sehingga ke

research : Mustomi, Dede;

The background of this research about the effect organizational culture and leadership roles through knowledge sharing. Organizational culture is a

research : Suhardoyo

The performance of the organization is determined by the performance of employees, whether small or large companies, private companies or government a

research : Rahayu,Eneng Iviq Hairo; Suhardoyo

 Penilaian kinerja karyawan dalam organisasi dilakukan  pada pelaksanaan job description yang telah disusun oleh organisasi. Dengan demikian

research : Erri, Dirgahayu; Arlin,;

In this development, the hospital is not only a healing option, but also oriented towards prevention services, every hospital competences in provi