Jelajahi Repository

research : Safitri, Maryanah

Pengelolaan pengetahuan saat ini penting untukditerapkan di perusahaan ataupun organisasi dalam rangkameningkatkan competitive advantage dan mengelola

research : Ridwansyah; Wijaya, Ganda; Purnama, Jajang

research : Fadhilah; Mahendra, Irfan, dan Khairina, Ilfa

Pulp and periacal disease is happening in Indonesia. This is because knowledge and people awarness to take care their dental health is in low leve

research : Suhardjono; Wijaya, Ganda; Hamid, Abdul

research : Safitri, Rizky, Ade; Nurdiani, Siti; Hadianti, Sri; Riana, Dwiza;

Apples are a type of fruit which has a variety of colors on its own skin, some are red, green and yellow. Apples also have many types and are easily

research : Widi Astuti1; Elly Firasari2 ; F. Lia Dwi Cahyanti3; Fajar Sarasati4 ;

information technology is developing rapidly with the development of hardware and hardware developed by the world's largest companies. These advances