Jelajahi Repository

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin; Surianto, Adhi Dharma; Iriadi, Nandang; Santoso, Budi; Adbul Wahid, Bilal;

Object-based programming (OOP) has become a trend among programming language users, this is because many functions, procedures and techniques for usin

research : Brawijaya, Herlambang; Widodo, Slamet; Samudi

research : Titin Prihatin, M.Kom; Tri Retnasari, M.Kom; Muhammad Fikri

 One of the most important things in company management to improve employee performance is to make the best selection of employees on a regular basis

research : Saryoko, Andi

College is constantly develop academic climate in order to support the democratic process of learning who directs and being a graduate student best qu

research : Ridwansyah; Ariyati, Indah; Faizah, Siti;

research : Achyani, Yuni Eka; Velayati, Anggi

The application of a petty cash disbursement information system in a company is very important because by applying the petty cash disbursement infor