Jelajahi Repository

research : Marwansyah_Sofyan,;

Penilaian kesehatan bank akan berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan bank dan loyalitas nasabah terhadap bank yang bersangkutan. Untuk menilai kesehatan suatu

research : Adiwihardja Cep; Nurhalimah Siti; Fatmawati;

Perkembangan RS Islam Jakarta Pondok Kopi yang semakin banyak pasien yang berobat, maka pelayanan, yang efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam memberikan kep

research : Setiawan,Adi, Chandra;

Custommer knowledge management (CKM) is the business model of the integration of interrelated concepts, techniques, and methodologies that are rooted

research : Saryoko, Andi

GO-JEK service availability in other cities began to lead to conflict. Slowly but surely, the noise rejection of the GO-JEK began to flow from the con

research : Rusdi, Ibnu; Mulyani, Ade Sri; Safitri, Alis Syofiana

 In the current era of globalization, information technology is advancing rapidly. The computer is a device that was created to facilitate human work

research : D Panjaitan, Suhardoyo

Managing human resources based on the ability of employees will be able to guarantee the success of an organization or company in achieving the goals

research : Monalisa dan Mahendra, Irfan

Doctor Galuh Dwi Anandita Health and Beauty Clinic is a public health and beauty-care facilities in South Jakarta. Currently, the administrative a