Jelajahi Repository

research : Utami, Lilyani Asri; Suparni; Anggraeni, Wulan

The LBA (Location Based Advertising) and SMS Targeted ordering system on MDMedia is designed to provide facilities for sales and operations in handlin

research : Suparni; Utami, Lilyani Asri; Selviana, Elsa Dwi

PT. Pratama Mega Konstruksindo is one of the companies engaged in Property, especially Housing. One of the fields that requires technological progress

research : Marsuyitno; Putri, Sukmawati Anggraeni; Utami, Lilyani Asri; Dwiantoro, Tino

The development of the telecommunications world is developing very rapidly throughout the world and is no exception in Indonesia. The telecommunicatio

research : Utami, Lilyani Asri; Khasanah, Siti Nur

Terbatasnya jangkauan pemasaran barang dan kurang efisiennya sistem promosi barang kepada masyarakat menyebabkan tidak tercapainya omzet yang maksimal