Jelajahi Repository

research : Agustiani,Sarifah; Mustopa,Ali; Saryoko,Andi; Gata,Windu; Wildah,Siti, Khotimatul;

Impaired thyroid function is often difficult to identify because the symptoms are not specific. The symptoms of thyroid disorder are very similar to v

research : Hadianti, Sri; Riana, Dwiza;

The Mantoux test is a test performed to detect tuberculosis, a test performed by injecting protein into the skin tissue of the left hand, this test

research : Dewi, Syara Chintya; Saryoko, Andi, Sukmana, Sulaeman Hadi

Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, teknologi informasi semakin maju yang menuntut kecepatan dan ketepatan dalam mengelola data serta informasi yang d

research : Fadhilah; Mahendra, Irfan, dan Khairina, Ilfa

Pulp and periacal disease is happening in Indonesia. This is because knowledge and people awarness to take care their dental health is in low leve

research : Dheska Ranita Setyowati, Anton, Ummu Radiyah

Implementation of Population Administration Services in the Village of Kalimanah Wetan Purbalingga is still done manually. In the processing of data p

research : Marsuyitno; Putri, Sukmawati Anggraeni; Utami, Lilyani Asri; Dwiantoro, Tino

The development of the telecommunications world is developing very rapidly throughout the world and is no exception in Indonesia. The telecommunicatio

research : Suparni; Utami, Lilyani Asri; Selviana, Elsa Dwi

PT. Pratama Mega Konstruksindo is one of the companies engaged in Property, especially Housing. One of the fields that requires technological progress