Jelajahi Repository


Muhammad Rinaldi (12180075), “Perencanaan Improvment Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) high performace backbone SERANG – DURI KO

research : Firmansyah, Firmansyah; Dewi, Sari; Purnama, Rachmat Adi

Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5) is a Cisco's proprietary protocol. GLBP used to enhance the Quality of Service

research : Hidayat, Rahmat; Sidik

Computer network technology develops very quickly, the computer network is a very important requirement in a company such as PT. BFI Finance Indonesia

research : KUSUMA, RAHMAN;

Seorang staff teknisi jaringan bertanggung jawab melakukan pengawasan terhadap suatu jaringan komputer, pengawasan baiknya dilakukan secara cepat dan

research : IRFAN, MUHAMMAD;

Abstract   A new network in general has not implemented bandwidth management for its users. The same is the case with the network at

research : Simpony, Bambang Kelana;

Pengaturan hak akses di suatu komputer sangat diperlukan. Hal ini merupakansalah satu upaya agar konfigurasi sistem tidak mudah dirubah atau diganti p