Jelajahi Repository

research : Anwar, Khairil;

ABSTRAK      Khairil Anwar (12145335), Implementasi Aplikasi Pengenalan Futsal Berbasis Android Dengan Algoritma Sequential Search    Sist

research : AGUSTIAN, FAJAR

ABSTRAKSIFajar Agustian (1214013302), Implementasi Model Agile Pada Aplikasi Mobile EdukasiBahasa Inggris Berbasis Android Studi Kasus:PAUD Ceria 2Sek

research : Amin, Ruhul

Instagram as one of the social media that has active users with a high number of users is an example of the use of social media as promotional media.

research : Sasongko, Agung;

This paper study data integration website for Android using extracting data from the source HTML code. Bina Sarana Informatika is o

research : REFANGGA

Smartphone sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan utama bagi manusia. Saat ini ada berbagai macam smartphone dengan berbagai macam platform. Salah

research : Sidik; Suryoprayogo, Anton

Mobile is an effective means of telecommunication . As time goes by and the growing world of information and technology , the mobile phone does not el

research : Ridha, Suci Meirina; Harafani, Hani

 Color blindness is one of the decreasing diseases which is very difficult to determine its deterioration, whether a family member will suffer from c