ABSTRAK Khairil Anwar (12145335), Implementasi Aplikasi Pengenalan Futsal Berbasis Android Dengan Algoritma Sequential Search Sist
ABSTRAKSIFajar Agustian (1214013302), Implementasi Model Agile Pada Aplikasi Mobile EdukasiBahasa Inggris Berbasis Android Studi Kasus:PAUD Ceria 2Sek
Instagram as one of the social media that has active users with a high number of users is an example of the use of social media as promotional media.
This paper study data integration students.bsi.ac.id website for Android using extracting data from the source HTML code. Bina Sarana Informatika is o
Smartphone sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan utama bagi manusia. Saat ini ada berbagai macam smartphone dengan berbagai macam platform. Salah
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Color blindness is one of the decreasing diseases which is very difficult to determine its deterioration, whether a family member will suffer from c