Jelajahi Repository

research : Jenie Sundari, Hamimah, Popon Handayani, Yunita, Ibnu Dwi Lesmono, Mulia Rahmayu, Paramita Kusumawardhani, Yusnia Budiarti, Fadilah and Nurhayati

Abstract. Skin is a sense of touch in humans’ body which one of its functions is to feel the touch. Another function of the skin is to release the r

research : Kristiyanti, Dinar Ajeng; Wahyudi, Mochamad;

Opinion mining is an automation technique of textual data from opinion sentence that produce sentiment information. It is also called sentiment an

research : Balla Imanuel; Rahayu Sri; Purnama Jajang Jaya.

Clothing also means clothing is needed by humans. Besides the need for clothing in terms of function, clothing sales or business is also very potent.

research : Balla, Imanuel; Rahayu, Sri; Purnama ,Jajang Jaya;

Clothing also means clothing is needed by humans. Besides the need for clothing in terms of function, clothing sales or business is also very potent.

research : Heriyanto, Amsury Fachri dkk

research : Ariyati, Indah; Ridwansyah; Suhardjono;

research : Ridwansyah; Ariyati, Indah; Faizah, Siti;