Adanya pandemi covid-19 secara tidak langsung meningkatkan minat masyarakat terhadap kendaraan yang nyaman,aman serta harga yang terjangkau, dan mobil
The Kelapa Dua West Jakarta is a government agency that has to serve the community every day. In its operational activities, it requires Information
The Kelapa Dua West Jakarta is a government agency that has to serve the community every day. In its operational activities, it requires Information T
The quality of data processing in information systems in the 4.0 industrial era is expected to be in the form of paperless-based digitalization, thus
The quality of data processing in information systems in the 4.0 industrial era is expected to be in the form of paperless-based digitalization, thus
The process of promotion required in every company. To perpetrating the promotion of position in company is required of job assessment objectively so