Jelajahi Repository

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin

Used of methods in the development of the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) varies once, including approaches by using the geometric mean. This appr

research : Wasiyanti, Sri.;

Of information is the most important part of a system.The system that managed well so that reliable information can be produced.Financial report is on

research : Ifmamudin;

SDN 1 LEMBURSAWAH adalah instusi yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan formal yang menyelanggarakan pendidikan dasar untuk jenjang menuju sekolah menen

research : Marlinda, Linda; Sensuse, Dana Indra;

Higher education is a continuation of secondary education which was held to prepare students to be members of the public who have academic ability and

research : Bahri, Samsul;

Sistem Informasi teknologi melaju dengan cepatnya. Adapun  komputer yang merupakan peralatan yang diciptakan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusi

research : Andriani, Anik;

Cooperative is one of actors in Indonesia's economy expected to become pillar of Indonesian economy.  Based on stastistical data on Ministry s

research : Sidik

Berkembangnya teknologi informasi dalam bidang pemberitaan saat ini sudah semakin pesat dengan banyaknya mediamedia pemberitaan yang bisa diakses seca

research : Vidada, Irwin Ananta;

The object of this research is al-Izhar Senior High School, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta. The objective is to analyse the effect of interpersonal comm