Jelajahi Repository

research : Marlinda, Linda; Sensuse, Dana Indra;

Higher education is a continuation of secondary education which was held to prepare students to be members of the public who have academic ability and

research : Wijayanti, Ani;

The Smart Park (also known as Taman Pintar) is a major educational tourist destination in Yogyakarta, which offers a variety of attractions that are v

research : SELVIA, SALLI;

ABSTRAKSI Salli Selvia (11130886), Analisa Pemilihan Transportasi Online dengan Menggunakan Metode Analiycal Hierarchy Process. Banyaknya 

research : Purnia Dini Silvi;Riana Dwiza;

A promotional team are doing promotions to schools in determining travel routes are still having trouble of having to find the shortest distan

research : RIZKI YAPI

Matematika adalah salah satu pelajaran yang sulit dipahami secara cepat. Dibutuhkan pemahaman dan waktu yang ekstra bila ingin menguasai setiap m

research : Palentino, Jepri Jaya

ABSTRAKSIJepri Jaya Palentino (12130217), Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi E-commerce Model B2C Pada Toko Teras Vape Store Berbasis Web.Teras Vape Sto

research : Aulianita, Rizki; Rifai, Achmad;

Penelitian  ini  memfokuskan  pada  peningkatan  akurasi  produk  furniture  dengan menggunakan  algoritma  Naive  Bayes  yang  diopt

research : Kristiyanti, Dinar Ajeng; Wahyudi, Mochamad;

Opinion mining is an automation technique of textual data from opinion sentence that produce sentiment information. It is also called sentiment an