Jelajahi Repository

research : Siregar, Juarni; Rukiastiandari, Sinta; Suwito, Bayu Jayus

Learning media always develops every year, one of which is animation. Basically animation is one form of entertainment, and by making learning media c

research : FITRIANI, DINA

Karyawan terbaik adalah karyawan yang menampilkan nilai-nilai dan kriteria-kriteria tertentu yang telah ditentukan oleh perusahaan. Karyawan yang me

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin

Wireless Internet usage is now a major requirement virtual world , even the role of information and communication technology to support the advancemen

research : Darmawan, Dedi; Marlinda, Linda;

Designing a computer network with wireless technology based Wireless Outdoor, method used in this paper consists of  two main parts, namely the m

research : Derajat, Muhamad

ABSTRAK  Muhamad Derajat (11150663) Perancangan Sistem Informasi M-School Pada SMA Negeri 33 Jakarta. Proses Pengolahan data absensi di SMA Negeri

research : M. Irfandi

ABSTRAK M. Irfandi(11212647), Audit Sistem Informasi Absensi Pada MI Miftahul Ulum Menggunakan Cobit 4.1. Sistem informasi absensi MI Miftahul Ulum