Jelajahi Repository

research : Suhardoyo

Good employee performance in the company, the company will experience very apprehensive conditions so that it will disrupt the financial stability of

research : Lesmono, Ibnu Dwi;

In the current era of globalization, the SME sector is required to be able to compete in the market their business. Empowerment of Small and Medium En

research : Mardiana, Tati ; Sahreza, farid ; Tuslaela

Saat ini usaha waralaba di Indonesia memiliki daya tarik yang relatif tinggi. Namun, para pelaku usaha banyak juga yang mengalami kegagalan. Bag

research : Marlinda, Linda; Darmastuti, Yunita;

In conduct the sale of agriculture products for the commodities of paddy, there are many factors that affect production. Such as, the difficulty of fi

research : Rosidin,; Lubis, Baginda Oloan;

CV. Ardho Teknik is a company engaged in general trading and services that include sales of mechanical/electrical, engineering tools and spare parts

research : Dina, Mulyanah;

Dina Mulyanah (11161075), Analisa Tingakat Kepuasan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu pada Kelurahan Kamal Muara dengan Metode Fuzzy Inference Syste


ABSTRAK    Muhammad Alief Zakaria (11153097), Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web Pada Smk Insan Aqilah 4 Jakarta  Dalam dunia