Jelajahi Repository

research : Nuraeni, Nia; Astuti, Puji

Pekalongan Batik is a typical batik originating from Central Java Pekalongan, Pekalongan batik hasbeen well known in various regions in Indonesia. Now

research : Retnasari, Tri; Rahmawati, Eva; Harafani, Hani

 Edu-tourism is the one of the most popular sub-type of tourism these days,where many countries in the world use Edu-tourism as one of the main s

research : Hidayatun, Nunung; Susafa'ati; Murtina, Hidayanti

Sistem pembelajaran yang masih menggunakan cara manual dengan mengadakan kelas offline, seminar, workshop dan lainnya memang cukup efektif di laksanak

research : Mulyaningsih, Tri; Faizah, Siti; Solecha, Kusmayanti;

research : Hertyana, Hylenarti;

In obtaining competent employees, a long process is needed because it is not easy for companies to select prospective employees based on the criteria