Jelajahi Repository

research : Novianny, Vanny; Heriyanto

Proses penilaian kinerja karyawan merupakan proses yang rumit dan memerlukan pertimbangan yang cermat. Penilaian kinerja karyawan pada PT. Liebra Perm

research : Pratmanto, Dany; Ardiansyah, Angga; Widodo, Andrian Eko; Titiani, Fakihotun

Abstract - In the current era of globalization, information technology is accelerating. The computer is an equipment created to facilitate human work

research : Andi Taufik, Ade Christian, Taufik Asra

The development of information technology is very rapid. Computers are tools that are created to facilitate human work for all fields. It cannot be se

research : Susilawati, Susilawati; Hikmatulloh, Hikmatulloh;

Semakin meningkatnya kasus baru covid-19 khususnya di Indonesia, membuat setiap elemen di suatu negara bahkan kalangan masyarakat ikut berbondong

research : Agustyaningrum Cucu Ika; Haris Muhammad; Aryanti Riska; Misriati Titik

The use of e-commerce throughout the world in recent years is very rapid. The continuous increase in sales shows that e-commerce has huge market pote


research : Amsury, Fachry; Ruhyana, Nanang; Saputra, Irwansyah; Sulistyowati, Daning Nur

Customer complaints about the company can be used as a form of self-evaluation and performance that has been carried out by the company, based on cust