Teknologi dimasa pandemic saat ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam berbagai bidang khususnya proses belajar mengajar yang dilaksanakan oleh hampir seluruh jen
Images taken with a digital camera with ambient lighting that is lacking will produce a dark image and it is difficult to recognize objects inside. In
Alumni SMA sederajat seringkali mengalami kesulitan di dalam menentukan perguruan tinggi untuk melanjutkan studi. Pemilihan perguruan tinggi untuk alu
Object-based programming (OOP) has become a trend among programming language users, this is because many functions, procedures and techniques for usin
Assessment of the performance of the teaching assistant as a form of real behavior displayed by each assistant as a work achievement is carried out ev
One of the most important things in company management to improve employee performance is to make the best selection of employees on a regular basis