The human resources of a company greatly influence many aspects that determine the success of the work of the company. One of the most important pro
The current millennial generation has the soft skills needed to be able to follow the trends and technology of the industrial generation 4.0. It
ABSTRAK Khofifah Ramadhan (11220901) Desain UI/UX Aplikasi Cafe Cup Times Bar Dengan Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking Penelitian ini bertujuan unt
Design and Build a Child's Learning Room Application, in Increasing Learning Motivation Based on Android
Rukun Warga 06 Jatisari Kota Bekasi adalah lembaga pemerintah yang bersentuhan langsung dalam melayani warga.Salah satu pelayanan yang diberikan adala
The demand for better and more satisfying public services for the people is a need that must be met by the government. The One-Stop Integrated Service
Develop IT Skulls To Face Post-pandemic Era by Understanding Today's Issues