Jelajahi Repository

research : Akmaludin

To give appreciation to every employee who has been able to understand the journey of the system in a company, it is appropriate to be given appreciat

research : Riska Aryanti, Andi Saryoko, Agus Junaidi, Siti Marlina, Wahyudin, Lia Nurmalia

research : Yusnaeni, Wina; Marlina; Hayuningtyas, Ratih Yulia; Sari, Retno

Kebutuhan pengadaan barang atau jasa yang berkualitas suatu perusahaan ditentukan oleh supplier yang baik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, sebaiknya perusah

research : Badrul, Mohammad; Frieyadie, Frieyadie; Akmaludin, Akmaludin; Ningtyas, Dwi Arum; Sulistyowati, Daning Nur; Nurajijah, Nurajijah

An Election is one of the characteristics of a country that uses the democratic system. One of the countries that embrace democratic system is the cou

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin; Badrul, Mohammad

The selection of animation applications provides an excellent overview of measurements, although it provides difficulty in the measurement process as

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin; Badrul, Mohammad

Seleksi aplikasi animasi memberikan gambaran yang baik sekali untuk dilakukan pengukuran, walaupun memberikan kesulitan dalam proses pengukurannya sep

research : Akmaludin, Akmaludin, Badrul, Mohammad

 Seleksi aplikasi animasi memberikan gambaran yang baik sekali untuk dilakukan pengukuran, walaupun memberikan kesulitan dalam proses pengukurannya s

research : Sunarti; Sundari,Jenie; Anggraeni , Sita; Siahaan , Fernando; Jimmy

There are many tourism objects located in Indonesia inflicted to whether the local or foreign visitors are difficult in determining the choice for t