Prediction Popularity of Movies in Indonesia UsingData Mining Algorithm Classification

  • 21 Jul
  • 2020

Prediction Popularity of Movies in Indonesia UsingData Mining Algorithm Classification

The development of the movie business a rapid progress had an impact tothe audience a movie that need movie with the quality of the image, sound, story lineand positive value contained therein sothat the audiens of the movie are stillenthusiastic in following the latest movie. An assessment is needed so that the filmindustry is still growing continuously. Assessment from the public and especially theaudience of the movie itself is used to determine the most desirable type of movie.This study aims to predict the level of popularity of the movie in Indonesia byanalyzing the rating of a film. The result of research by the ROC curve showed AUCvalues using Naive Bayes models amounted to 0,836 K-Nearest Neighbors modelsamounted to 0.818 and 0.767 for decision tree models. Of the three models two ofwhich belong to the classification of Good classification is naive Bayes algorithmand k-nearest neighbors with AUC values between 0,80 to 0,90. The model ofdecision tree algorithm included in Fair classification classification, had AUC valuesbetween 0,70 to 0,80.




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