Decision making process will be kept up-faced by anyone, including managers who have decision-making role in the organization that will be developed. To use of technology-based products such as notebooks become a focus for all users. Therefore, we need a method that can be used for the selection of notebooks. the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), one of the approaches of AHP is a method Multycriteria Decision Making (MCDM), MCDM method approach is to provide a solution to the user choose form technologybased products notebook. The application of MCDM method is a hierarchical model that simplifies the problem into three levels, namely Goal, Criteria, and Alternatives that can provide alternative solutions to the criteria and in accordance with the needs of the student , so as not to disappoint them against the electoral process in the future notebooks. Notebook products being compared must have the same class, namely Core i5 which consists of four types with different brands, namely SAMSUNG 470RE-K01ID, G470-0137 LENOVO, ASUS A450CC-WX250D, and TOSHIBA L840-1045. From this research the hierarchical model MCDM method can provide the best solutions for decision makers. Priority of test results using pakage Expert Choice Software provides output to different priority thin decision.
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