Jelajahi Repository

research : Pradiatiningtyas, Diah;

This paper examined factors that influence work motivation and satisfaction. The research focus on employee with low or limited skills and educati


The need for communication today is very important along with advances in data communication technology found on the internet network, the router as a

research : Rizki Aulianita

Abstrak - Website merupakan kumpulan halaman dalam suatu domain yang memuat tentang berbagai informasi agar dapat dibaca dan dilihat oleh pengguna int

research : Indra Wahyudi, Syamsul Bahri, Popon Handayani

Abstract  - Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a great diversity of tribes, arts and cultures. The word art and culture are two things

research : Bahri, Saeful; Hidayatullah,Taufik

Imunisasi menjadi hal yang penting dalam perlindungan kesehatan bagi masyarakat dibeberapa negara, imunisasi dapat mencegah penyebaran penyakit terten

research : Purnia, Dini Silvi; Rahmatullah, Syaifur; Rifai, Achmad;

Perkembangan teknologi seluler yang begitu pesat, belum banyak diisi konten yang bermanfaat. Hal ini sangat disayangkan mengingat tingkat kepemi

research : Nurdiani, S., Rezki, M., Dahlia, R., Ihsan, M., Frieyadie, F., & Fauziah, S.

Apples are quite popular consumption among the community and have different kinds of shapes and colors. Apples themselves have many nutrients and vari