Jelajahi Repository

research : Mazia, Lia

Customer behavior of environmentally friendly products becomes marketing attention by implementing a green marketing strategy to improve customer’ g

research : Nainggolan, Esron Rikardo; Asymar, Hasta Herlan; Nalendra, Aloysius Rangga Aditya; Anton; Sulaeman, Fajar; Sidik; Radiyah, Ummu; Susafa'ati

The early childhood education is the process of learning where the children are on the step to know and to be curious of their surroundings. It is als

research : Irwanto, Aziz Setyawan H, Anton, Anisti, Supriyadi,Sultan Himawan, Adhi Dharma Suriyanto, I Ketut Martana

research : MUIS, ABDUL

ABSTRAK Abdul Muis (12120238), Web Interaktif Pengenalan Rambu-Rambu Lalu Lintas Untuk Anak.       Pengenalan ramb

research : Saputro, Ryan;

ABSTRAK Ryan Saputro (12130362) dan Rohyati (12130339) Saklar Tepuk Untuk Penyandang Lumpuh Kaki Kelumpuhan adalah kehilangan kemampuan me