Peranan Pengetahuan Desain Komunikasi Visual Dalam Pengajaran Mata Kuliah Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer

  • 20 May
  • 2018

Peranan Pengetahuan Desain Komunikasi Visual Dalam Pengajaran Mata Kuliah Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer

The field of science human interaction and the computer is a science that studies about how to design, to evaluate and implement the computer systems of interactive in order to be used by man with easily. Talking about an interface users ( user interface ) is a mechanism of communication between users ( user ) with the system. An interface users ( user interface ) can receive information from the user ( user ) and give information to the user ( user ) to help steer a groove tracing problems until found a solution. The aim of this research is to lecturers college course human interaction and computers in AMIK Bina Sarana Informatika is expected to have basic knowledge of the matter of design visual communication especially knowledge to describe the dialogue models in designing a system of information. Methods used in this research is a method of research explanatory that describes relations between variables research and test the hypothesis that has been formulated before.The reason was chosen of this kind research is to examine and analyze correlation between variables of visual communication design matter against the subject of human interaction and computers. While a method of collecting data by spreading a list of questions to several respondents, a scale used in questionnaires they use is likert scale.The result of this research is obtained a conclusion when lecturers subject of human interaction and computers must have basic knowledge about design visual communication for the lecturers in order that the student can be understood correctly regarding the concept in the interface user in a system of information.




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