Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Order Mkios Berbasis Web Pada TDC PT. Telesindo Shop Pontianak

  • 25 Apr
  • 2018

Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Order Mkios Berbasis Web Pada TDC PT. Telesindo Shop Pontianak

The development of information technology is developing so fast. Computers are tools created to facilitate human work, now made significant progress in terms of both software and hardware. TDC PT. Telesindo Shop Pontianak need information systems that can support and provide satisfactory services to the outlet. Until now Telesindo Shop Pontianak still using the system order manually. The use of an invoice becomes another problem in making the order data summary reports that must be made Periodically. For that we need an application that can support and provide ease of managing data in order to shorten the time but still consider the result of timely and accurate data to avoid incompatibility with the number of data outlets Mkios and error reports. To overcome these problems required an application that can realize data integrity, capable of storing data and data history renewable. Mkios order data management applications can help users to view transaction history and generate report Mkios order if needed at any time by the company.  




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