Sentiment Analysis Review Flip App Users on Google Play Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine with Smote Technique

  • 24 Aug
  • 2023

Sentiment Analysis Review Flip App Users on Google Play Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine with Smote Technique

Abstract. The development of e-wallet is now increasingly sophisticated, can provide convenience to its customers in
transacting anytime and anywhere just by using a smartphone. From some e-wallet products researchers took a case study
that is FLIP products that are currently going viral, especially in Jakarta. Customers who are dissatisfied with a
company’s services or products will typically write their complaints on social media or reviews on Google play.
However, monitoring and organizing public opinion is also not easy. Therefore, a special method or technique is required
that is able to categorize the reviews automatically, whether including positive or negative. The algorithms used in this
study were Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine with smote techniques. Naïve Bayes had an accuracy score of
64.55% with an AUC of 0.502 while Naive Bayes with smote technique gained 69.78% accuracy with an AUC of 0.506.
While SVM has an accuracy value of 65.00% with AUC 0.786, while SVM with smote technique has an accuracy value
of 73.48% and AUC 0.836. The best optimization application in this model is SVM with smote technique can provide
solutions to classification problems in the case of sentiment analysis of FLIP app user reviews.


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    Sentiment Analysis Review Flip App Users on Google Play Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine with Smote Technique

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