Perancangan Performansi Quality Of Service Dengan Metode Virtual Routing Redudancy Protocol (VRRP)

  • 20 Nov
  • 2020

Perancangan Performansi Quality Of Service Dengan Metode Virtual Routing Redudancy Protocol (VRRP)

The need for a network is the intenet is indeed already is common at this time. Do a computerizedsystem in each routine office as well as the occurrence of problems in computer networks in a company canmake the effectiveness and flexibility in an agency or company became very disturbed. In PT. PELITACengkareng, Tangerang Paper needs a stable internet network is the key to a company's main activity is to doevery day. For it is need for a change in the system of internet network. To support all activities in the companywho need access to a computer network or the internet. A stable traffic as well as the existence of a performancebond that was always adequate internet desperately needed in an era as it is today. For that VRRP (VirtualRouting Protocol Redudancy) is the solution to increase network performance can be done by the existence ofthis method. The existing network of companies will have a backup connectivity to backup when there areproblems at the major networks.




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