Analysis of Electronic Logistics (E-Logis) System Acceptance Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

  • 03 Aug
  • 2020

Analysis of Electronic Logistics (E-Logis) System Acceptance Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

This article discusses the acceptance of Electronic Logistics (E-Logis) system at PT. SUCOFINDO (Persero) engaged in trading, especially agricultural commodities, the smooth flow of goods and foreign exchange security in the export-import trade. Electronic Logistics (E-Logis) System is a new system applied to PT. SUCOFINDO (Persero) Jakarta to meet the needs of employees and customers in the process of procurement of goods and services required. The logistics system includes the facility's location structure, procurement of supplies, transportation, communications, handling and storage. This concept paper investigates the user acceptance of E-Logis using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The objective is to determine the influence of perceived usefulness and user satisfaction of Electronic Logistics (E-Logis) System on Business Strategy of Industrial and Maritime Trade Unit at PT. SUCOFINDO (Persero) Jakarta. The result of this study indicate that the variable utilities have significant influence amounted to 25.6% to the satisfaction of the users of E-Logis and data obtained by calculating using SPSS.


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