Perancangan Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Aplikasi Vhp Online Reporting System

  • 23 Jul
  • 2020

Perancangan Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Aplikasi Vhp Online Reporting System

Theadvancement in the field of Computer Networks and Information Technology has positive impact in human life, for example in business. Information technology in the enterprise who are at the head office and branch are still sending report of financial by email. One of the solution that recommended from this research is utilization of VHP Online Reporting System. That technology will supported by integrated network that connected the office head and branch using public IP from the ISP (Internet Service Provider). This research using of Application VHP Online Reporting System. The test results network with the use of the this application shows that the financial statements are in the branch office will can not modified the data and the things that are not in want and get an integrated system between head office and branch that are very helpful in the process of work.


  • JURNAL - JTK - 1-LENGKAP.pdf


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