Rancangan Aplikasi Pencarian Lokasi Atm Setor Tunai Bank Mandiri Di Dki Jakarta Berbasis Android

  • 21 Jul
  • 2020

Rancangan Aplikasi Pencarian Lokasi Atm Setor Tunai Bank Mandiri Di Dki Jakarta Berbasis Android

ATM is not an object already familiar to the people of Indonesia. Bank already has an ATM in different locations, but each bank customers do not necessarily know the location of the ATM if you're traveling to new places visited around Jakarta. In this paper, the authors will try to create a mobile based application which can provide information on the location of the ATM cash deposit Mandiri Jakarta area, visualize it in the form of maps, as well as be able to find the shortest route from the location where the user is located towards the destination ATM using Dijkstra's algorithm minimize the possibility of going around and around the city of Jakarta and is expected to provide an efficient route. Applications built using Java with Eclipse IDE, the application is intended for Android smartphones. Specifications for the android operating system can operate at a minimum Android 2.2 (Froyo) and the maximum on android 4.4.2 (Kitkat), while the process of compiling is done using android 4.4.2.




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