Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Ensiklopedia Negara-Negara Asean

  • 08 Jul
  • 2020

Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Ensiklopedia Negara-Negara Asean

In the era of globalization, information technology is accelerating. To get complete information about a country, it is not enough just to read a book. This is because the information presented in the text book is still relatively minimal. To get complete information on general knowledge, can use some encyclopaedia book. With this encyclopedia book, users can search for information about the country they are looking for. This is certainly time consuming and inefficient. In addition, encyclopedia book prices are relatively expensive, the size is thicker, deliberations are sometimes unclear, heavy, and time consuming because it should check the table of contents or index before finding the required information. This interactive android animation based application explains the history and geography of ASEAN countries along with interactive exercises and games to test the results of the introduction of ASEAN countries. The purpose of making this application to facilitate students in understanding ASEAN member countries and its history, language, flags and culture. Making animation done several steps to make it look more interactive and interesting, ranging from the selection of harmony between motion and sound movement and motion picture tempo. The results of this study make students can easily know which countries are members of ASEAN, its history, national songs, country symbols, country, income per capita and others, so as to increase knowledge and knowledge.




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