Selection Of Factors Affecting Women's Loyalty In Buying Goods In Indonesian E-Marketplaces Using The Profile Machine Method

  • 06 Jul
  • 2020

Selection Of Factors Affecting Women's Loyalty In Buying Goods In Indonesian E-Marketplaces Using The Profile Machine Method

The use of social media in the field of online marketing has been used by female consumers. In its use found uncomfortable transactions even though vendors have provided good features to reduce risk. This study investigates web site factors that affect consumer loyalty online shopping through social media namely Buyer Loyalty (Business View, Market Service View, Third Party B2B EM Performance, Transaction View, and Infrastructure View) and its attributes Trust (Quality of information, Customer loyalty, Volume trading, Product promotion, Reduction of transaction costs, Consumer characteristics (Free Shipping Costs, Trust in Marketing Makers), Firms characteristics (Functionality and value-added, Reputation, Privacy), Brand Recognition (Likability, Customer satisfaction, Attitude towards online shopping), Quality of Service (Transaction security, Use of the website, Reliability of the website). This study uses an IT-based platform for data collection and collects data from female consumers using the profile machine method. Data analysis by grouping female consumers using online shopping websites based on the attributes they like



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    Selection Of Factors Affecting Women's Loyalty In Buying Goods In Indonesian E-Marketplaces Using The Profile Machine Method

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