The Best Selection of Programmers in Generation 4.0 Using AHP and ELECTRE Elimination Methods.

  • 21 Apr
  • 2020

The Best Selection of Programmers in Generation 4.0 Using AHP and ELECTRE Elimination Methods.

The quality of data processing in information systems in the 4.0 industrial era is expected to be in the form of paperless-based digitalization, thus a number of capable and reliable users are needed in terms of data processing in the form of digitalization, the means developed can be through the internet or via smartphone-based on Android. The need for The best programmer is certainly very needed in terms of data development and processing and information delivery. This needs to be done so that the process of sending data and information can be done simply and very high speed, because the transfer of resources has been converted into digital form. The need for programmer staff must be selected consistently so that users who are accepted as the best and reliable programmers according to job requirements, from ten programmers with collaboration AHP method and ELECTRE can provide optimal decisions with the following results, programmer code P5, P6, P7 and P10 get the biggest score with weight of 3, followed by programmer code P9 with weight of 2, and followed by programmer code P1, P2, P8 with weight of 1, and there are two programmer codes which are eliminated by the ELECTRE method, P3 and P4. The collaboration in the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and ELECTRE Elimination which is the crystallization of the Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) can be a decision support in the selection process of the best programmers to produce optimal decisions




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