Analisis Keberhasilan Website Resmi Universitas Borobudur Menggunakan DeLone and McLean Model

  • 30 Mar
  • 2020

Analisis Keberhasilan Website Resmi Universitas Borobudur Menggunakan DeLone and McLean Model

This research aims to analyze the success of the website of Borobudur University using Delone & Mclean Model. Variables used in this research are the quality of information, system quality, service quality, and user satisfaction. The research population is a regular student at the University of Borobudur, with a population of 431 people. The number of samples used in this research was 82 people, with a significance level of 10%. Meanwhile, in determining the sample using non probability sampling approach by using accidental sampling technique. Data collection activities were conducted using questionnaires, while the data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, to describe the profile of respondents and to know the user perception of research variables. Based on the results of research, showed that students' perceptions of the website of the University of Borobudur is high. While based on the results of hypothesis testing, also obtained result that all hypothesis in test accepted, where there is a positive and significant relationship between information quality to the user satisfaction of website, there is a positive and significant relationship between system quality to the user satisfaction of website, and there is a positive and significant relationship between service quality to user satisfaction of website.




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