Animasi Interaktif Hadits Arba’in Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Islam Salman Alfarisi Bekasi

  • 17 Mar
  • 2020

Animasi Interaktif Hadits Arba’in Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Islam Salman Alfarisi Bekasi

Learning the science of religion for children at an early age is very important as a foundation for the survival of children. In the future the child can by itself sort out where good and bad things in life. In this era of globalization and technological advances, the media to learn to use the book has received less attention from children Because it tends to be boring. Children will be more interested in learning with audio visual media, or with moving pictures and included sound. In this research, the authors take the writing material about the interactive audio visual animation of the data taken from the observation, interview and literature study. The author makes an interactive application to help students of Islamic Elementary School Salman Alfarisi in the process of memorizing Hadith 'Arbain. In the process of displaying in the form of audio visuals the author seeks to make as interactive as possible in order to stimulate and motivate students to memorize the hadith 'Arbain.




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