Comparison Rangking Aplikasi Animasi Berbasis Pembelajaran dengan Metode Promethee

  • 21 Jan
  • 2020

Comparison Rangking Aplikasi Animasi Berbasis Pembelajaran dengan Metode Promethee

The selection of animation applications provides an excellent overview of measurements, although it provides difficulty in the measurement process as well as cyclomatic complexity analysis, Region set, and Matrix method. With the method of Preference Ranking Organization for Enrichment Evaluation (promethee) can be done to determine the selection of some of the best animation applications, of course, have the same rules that are to be used by all of the users who ranged from nine to a twelve years old. Promethee is a derivative of Multicriteria Decision Making, but the techniques used for the selection process are very different. Promethee uses basic techniques similar to Multi-criteria Decision Making, but for the technique of continuation is clearly different, Promethee emphasizes selection techniques with the concept of outranging based on certain parameters that are partial in the phase of Leaving Flow and Entering Flow while merging at the Net Flow stage called Promethee -II. The results obtained through the Promethee method are featured through the ranking of an outranking method with the highest weights obtained by animation-1 the result is 0.3; followed by second rating of outranking animation-3 the result is -0.1; and the latest of outranking with animation-2 the result is -0,2.




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