Pemilihan Situs Media Online Terhadap Kebutuhan End User dengan Pendekatan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)

  • 20 Jan
  • 2020

Pemilihan Situs Media Online Terhadap Kebutuhan End User dengan Pendekatan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)

Wireless Internet usage is now a major requirement virtual world , even the role of information and communication technology to support the advancement of the use of internet facilities . All forms of life in the media business online communication is needed at all , because the information needs to be a necessity for business users and players. Lines of communication can be done in various ways , one of which can use the online media , such as e -books , e - magazines , newspapers online through the websites of online media . There are so many online media sites which are known among the better-known as seconds , tempo , republika . To analyze online media sites to the needs of the user , takes an objective measurement methodology that can be known empirically . The methodology used using Multi Criteria Decision Making approach ( MCDM ) . In Analytic Hierarchical Process ( AHP ) to know a lot of approaches to decision making. MCDM approach of choice in this paper on the grounds will be applied using the Expert Choice . Advantages of this application is more precise analysis results used directly to prove the MCDM approach . The main criteria used include interfacing , simplicity , quality , satisfaction , and benefits , each criterion has sub- criteria as detailed analysis . The Acquisition of the analysis conducted on the three sites mentioned above with MCDM approach and a kind to using Expert Choice application by the end of the following synthezise Media such as, republika online with a priority value of 0.476 , followed by the second and subsequent online media due to the sequential priority value is 0.293 and 0.231 . The results obtained have the same priority value analysis done with matrix algebra approach by mathematical concepts.




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