Analisis Penentuan Weight Priority Menggunakan Pendekatan Geometric Mean dengan Metode Sumvector Untuk Pemilihan Fasilitas di Lingkungan Perumahan

  • 20 Jan
  • 2020

Analisis Penentuan Weight Priority Menggunakan Pendekatan Geometric Mean dengan Metode Sumvector Untuk Pemilihan Fasilitas di Lingkungan Perumahan

Used of methods in the development of the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) varies once, including approaches by using the geometric mean. This approach uses a technique that is much different as it is done with the approach of Multi Criteria Analysis and its derivatives. In the selection of facilities in a residential area is needed at all levels how to measure the priority of a number of criteria and sub-criteria used. Therefore the geometric mean approach is used as a barometer in a solution approach to determine the weight of its priorities. There are several criteria used to assess the electoral environment of residential facilities that include criteria for benefits, the role of the public contribution, the role of local government, and community aspects of the criteria. These criteria will be assessed as a primary criterion in the discussion of this paper, which is used as an alternative while pemilihat facilities include entertainment facilities, sports facilities, transportation facilities, and shopping facilities. From the discussion, this paper obtained the priority level of the acquisition value of the synthesize as follows: ranked first decision and further includes means of transport, means of entertainment, shopping facilities, and a final ranking sports facilities, with the predicate of each in sequence is 0.397; 0.273; 0.173; 0,157. The value of this decision is the final synthesis.




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