Position Based Job Promotion Using Multi-Criteria Elimination VIKOR Method

  • 24 Aug
  • 2019

Position Based Job Promotion Using Multi-Criteria Elimination VIKOR Method

 Job promotion is the best action of a company to improve the progress of the company itself, thus it must be done objectively and responsibly respectfully. There are a number of benchmarks for carrying out the promotion process which as a whole can be recognized as an honorable action for someone selected through this promotion process, in this study called criteria, the benchmark consists of seven criteria that can represent strength that can be recognized based on company provisions. This rule has two understandings that are interpreted differently and are quite difficult for mathematical calculation processes. For criteria that are meaningful and related to time have the meaning that the weight of the smallest value is the best, or different meanings that bear the weight of the greatest value are the best. For this promotion process, a combination of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the VIKOR index elimination system is used, both of which have far different functions, namely AHP is intended to determine the preference weighting scale while VIKOR is intended to determine the ranking of each alternative over the alternative. The decision on the outcome of the best promotion is the fifth employee (K5) with a score index of 0.00 and followed sequentially (K2), (K3), (K1), (K4) sequentially with a score index of 0.62 ; 0.66; 0.75 and 0.93. This result is used as a benchmark for the best decisions.




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