The Employee Promotion Base On Specification Job’s Performance Using: MCDM, AHP, And ELECTRE Method

  • 19 Aug
  • 2019

The Employee Promotion Base On Specification Job’s Performance Using: MCDM, AHP, And ELECTRE Method

The process of promotion required in every company. To perpetrating the promotion of position in company is required of job assessment objectively so this result will give proving truly. In reality the success of company affected to whom will lead the company because the assessment specifically is giving real evidence concerning been perpetrated. Thus, it required some various assessment criteria for specification working performance which is reflected to well-skillful of each personal to be promoted for position based on the expectation in the future. The assessment of specification job’s performance uses ELECTRE Method. It uses seven elected specifications of job’s performance that collaborated to Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) between Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and ELECTRE as preference data of analysis for specification job’s performance of promoting position. The result found from the level by using Electre method to promote some position by using the specification of job’s performance consecutively: First ranking by the number 2,60 for K.1, Second ranking have 0,19 for K3, the third have 0,14 for the K2, the forth have 1,25 for K1, and the last ranking have 1,68 for K4.




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