Strategi Programming di Radio Elgangga

  • 11 Jun
  • 2020

Strategi Programming di Radio Elgangga

This research use 2 concept that is strategy programming at radio and radio broadcast program. This research used qualitative research paradigm with post positivis type and descriptive approach. Researcher collected data by conducting interviews with 3 informant practitioners in Elgangga’s radio. The result of this research is Elgangga’s radio see the positioning of demographic and geographical sides to determine the target audience, understand the characteristics of the target audience and create broadcast program and its schedule accordance with listener’s activities. The marketing strategy is he make an offer by 4O strategy that is On Air, Of Air, Online and Out of Home to attract advertisers, ad scheduling is applied at Elgangga’s radio based on the  division of time : prime time and regular time. To keep up with technological development and public changes, Elgangga’s radio do a program development, update current information, and making radio streaming application.  




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