Implementation Of Webqual 4.0 For Measuring The Quality Of Baznas.Go.Id Website For User Satisfaction

  • 17 Mar
  • 2020

Implementation Of Webqual 4.0 For Measuring The Quality Of Baznas.Go.Id Website For User Satisfaction

Through Presidential Instruction No. 3 Th 2003, the government in this case the
Ministry of Communication and Information has set a National Policy and Strategy on the
development of e-government in the use of communication and information technology to improve
the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of a Department. So that demanded a
quality government website. Based on that, this study tries to measure the quality of government
websites, namely which is viewed from the side of user satisfaction using the
webqual 4.0 method, which consists of three dimensions, namely usability, information quality and
interaction quality. The results of this study that the dimensions of information quality and usability
have an influence on website users.




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